Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Rabbi's Cat

" I'm just trying to tell the truth to see how it feels" Kitty (pg.19)The Rabbi's Cat was a really good graphic book because it really brought the characters to life.  Joann Sfar does such a great job with the choice of color of the graphics and with great detail of each character.  However there was one character that really stood out to me was the cat.  I thought he brought personality to the graphic book.  Kitty has a very curious, wise cat, and can be friendly to certain people. The kitty loves the rabbi's daughter and her father is not so sure of kitty.  What makes kitty so unique in my opinion is that he is Jewish and the dog is christian and the author shows a great metaphor between the two.  The Author goes on to demonstrate that no matter what kind of background you come from we can still get along and become friends.  Another focal point of the graphic novel is that this book was based off in the country Algeria, which was under the French dominion.  The novel showed different religion and ethic backgrounds which also relates to the movie Twiste a Popenguine.  In the movie there was different ethic backgrounds and religion as well.  The Rabbi's Cat, Twiste a Popenguine and all of the short stories that were read in class really tied into each other, each novel almost related it back to religion.  Religion is an important factor in the African culture and was for the rabbi, his daughter, and others.  I really did enjoy reading this book it was fun and kept my interest because of all the pictures and humor that kitty brought to the book. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wedding at the Cross 2

"Wedding at the Cross" was a really great short story written by Ngugi because it really does demonstrate the people in today's society.  Meaning people in today's society marry people with the same values or equal to one another.  Rich people marry people that are rich and nothing less.  However it should be "I am going to marry that individual because I love him/her" not because of all the money he/she has that should not matter.  Wedding at the Cross really demonstrates someone that doesn't marry someone that has all the money in the world.  Ngugi shows that through the character Miriamu.  She marries this man that doesn't has all the money in the world in fact her parents were not happy that she married this man.  Miriamu went behind her parents values and she didn't take into consideration about how her parents would feel because she realized that its not about what her parents thought. 

The quote " Money is the root to all evil" really does hold true in this particular short story because Wariuki starts to struggle with his is identity because he wanted to become someone that he wasn't, to prove to Miriamu father that he was this great rich man, in which Wariuki was a great man but Livingston this new man wasn't to Miriamu. Wariuki allowed money to change his name and become this man that was full of himself.  Miriamu wanted to marry the man she fell in love with but decided not to marry livingston if that makes sense.  Ngugi shows the readers that just because your wealthy doesn't make your life heaven, money can make your life a living hell if you let it rule your life. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Nervous Conditions

In the story Nervous Conditions there were four major characters.  However on in particular stood out to me.  Nyasha was a very interesting character in the novel.  She was highly intelligent, and passionate.  Nyasha is not your ordinary girl at any means. When she life throws her curves she knows how to learn from and grow from the experience she never allows life to bring her down.  Nyasha is a strong women in the novel however at one moment of her life she allowed life to take a turn for the worst.  She struggles with feeling isolated and being lonely because no one likes her at her mission school.  However because of this major change in her life she starts to have health problems. The character Nyasha stood out to me so greatly because I can relate to the character Nyasha once upon a time. There was a moment in my life where I felt isolated from all the students at my old school.  I had moved away and started a new school and like some people I don't take kindly to change.  I went into a great depression, because I didn't have any friends and everyone would seem mean because I was the "new student." Or the students felt as though I wasn't popular enough to hang out with them.  This is the same way Nyasha felt.  She felt like she wasn't as popular as the other kids at the mission school.  Even though Nyasha demonstrated some one that felt isolated but she also demonstrates some one that is strong that can life at its worst.