Monday, April 25, 2011

Wedding at the Cross

Wedding at the Cross was a very interesting and sad story all at the same time.  It was about a wife and a husband who was in prisoner on this island.  The couple had a little girl together in which the little girl had not seen her father in years. It was almost as if the little girl didn't know her father she just knew of him. Wedding at the Cross really demonstrates women that is strong and can take of her child alone not idealistically.  The short story was so sad and disappointing in my opinion because number one the father was in prison and when the father returned home the little girl didn't want to come to him, she didn't know him.  Also the mother didn't know what to say or ask him when they were along the story describes.  Another reason why it is so disappointing because this man comes home from prison gets the wife pregnant again and leaves.  How sad is that and how heartbroken she must of felt but joyous that she has children because in Africa having children is what makes a women.  This short story really relates to the women in today's society.  Meaning women today are struggling to manage a home, work, and children by themselves because their significant other is locked away in prison.  The scenario that takes place in the short story is taking place in some one's household where the man comes home from prison gets her pregnant and leaves.  I believe that the author did a great job with the story because Wedding at the cross really does relate to today's society.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Blog #3
Apartheid means separation and discrimination.  In the short stories “Good Climate Inhabitants,” “Amnesty,” and “Six feet of the Country” they all tie into Apartheid somehow but the short story that really stood out to me that really relates to apartheid was “Six feet of the Country.”  The short story faces a white man and his wife having to deal with the horrific times of apartheid.  Back when Six feet of the Country was written, Apartheid was the norm in the South African society.  In Six feet of the Country there was some sort of discrimination because the white man was trying to help bury the brother the right way but Apartheid wouldn’t allow that because of the discrimination of the two races.  So the South African society felt as if the brother wasn’t worthy enough. In my opinion Apartheid in reality you can’t really get rid of, there will always be separation and discrimination between races and actually it would be hard to change discrimination.  I would have to say I really did enjoyed all the short stories by Nadine Gordimer especially the short story Six feet of the Country I could actually understand the content of the story.   

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Madman

The short story “The madman” I really did enjoy reading.  It really captured my attention in many ways. It was actually the first story of Achebe that I could understand the first read through.  However I believe I enjoyed the story so much because I would actually agree with the author that there are people that are really schizophrenia who are just plain crazy and angry or people that become crazy or angry because of some type of embarrassment that has happen to them in their past. The madman number one who we were introduced first in the story was indeed schizophrenic and was angry at times but he wasn’t a threat to anyone.  In fact in my opinion I think that he appreciated life but was just crazy.  Nwibe was in much indeed a sane man. He was also a very successful man however he was very much an angry person.  He would yell about silly things like over a puppy as the short story described.  He became crazy or even angrier when madman number one took his pants, but became embarrassed because he ran out in front of everyone naked.  In fact the story says that Nwibe became tongued tied.  He was mostly embarrassed because he had a reputation to protect. Achebe stated that; "Nwibe was such a sensible man that no one could think of him beginning something he was not sure to finish." Nwibe was the guy to be excluding his anger issues. However people in today society including myself can relate to Nwibe only because we have all been embarrassed at one point in our lives,  of something that we felt might ruin our reputation so we stand speechless but grow to be very angry or upset when we think about how someone embarrassed us as an individual. In conclusion I leave you with a statement by: Onyeara Ogbete “Madness? What is that? Who is mad: the madman or the supposedly sane souls? Unfortunately, there is no set standard of sanity, but there are degrees of madness.”(

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Stranglehold of English Lit.

Response on The Stranglehold of English Lit; By: Felix Mnthali

"The Stranglehold of English Lit" was very hard for me to understand at first. I didn't quite understand what the author was trying to get across,  however as I kept reading piece by piece started to make sense. Felix Mnthali stated "would Europe in Africa" (line 12) in other words can Europe be in Africa? However Felix would probably respond "No"! Europe and Africa can't be because the two countries don't share the same culture, beliefs, language , nor religion.  Felix Mnthali continues on to express his frustration expressing that the English language cannot be tied into the African language.

I believe that the title of this poem specifically the word "Stranglehold" speaks for itself and evinces of what the author is trying to get across. I would have to agree with the author. The African language should be taught by someone that is of the African culture and someone that enunciates the African language well. In reasoning people of the African culture can relate to the language and understand the language I think that is where Felix frustration comes from, because he feels in my opinion nobody can teach your own language better than someone of that language or culture.  In my opinion Felix believe that someone of the English language should not try to teach the African language. 

I would have to say I didn't really enjoy reading the poem. It really didn't interest me however I do believe that the author did have good valid points throughout the poem, but just didn't grasp my attention.  I couldn't really relate to the poem but agreed upon what the author was saying.